Middle School

Houghton High School

Houghton Middle MTSS
GRIT (Goals, Respect, Integrity, Teamwork)

GRIT (Goals, Respect, Integrity, Teamwork) Logo

What is MTSS?
A Multi-Tiered System of Support is a school-wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for supporting appropriate student behaviors and increasing student’s academic abilities. These efforts will positively influence student success.

Why MTSS at Houghton Middle School?
The staff at HMS established common expectations that help students easily transition from different teachers and grade levels. The purpose of MTSS is to establish a climate in which students can effectively manage their own behavior, and as a result, academic achievement is increased.

Key Ideas

  • Teach & monitor behavior expectations

  • Acknowledge/Encourage expected behavior (verbally, GRIT cards, assemblies, etc.)

  • Use data for decision making

  • Implementation and use of reading strategies

Why the acronym GRIT?
Current research shows that “the best predictor of success in a person’s life, including when it comes to goals in education is grit.” 1 At Houghton Middle and High Schools GRIT stands for Goals, Respect, Integrity and Teamwork, which helps our students understand behavior expectations.

1 Duckworth, Angela Lee. “The Key to Success? Grit.” TEDTalks, Apr. 2013. Web. 4 June 2014.

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