
Houghton High School

Student Handbook & Academics

The State Department of Education recommends each school implement the Core Curriculum. It is composed of academic content standards and benchmarks in all areas. Grade level guides are available to parent/guardian(s) as a means of informing them of those subject areas their child will be learning during the year. The development of curriculum and educational programs in our school is an ongoing process best served through the cooperative efforts of all professional staff.

Teachers, administrators and the Board of Education continually work together to update existing curriculum to develop the best possible education plans for our school. The State of Michigan Core Curriculum is available at www.michigan.gov/mde. The building curriculum is in alignment with the district plan that allows each building to make individual modifications to meet students' needs.

The Houghton Elementary curriculum is aligned with Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations and also meets AdvancED/North Central Association requirements.

Art, Computer, Library, Music, and Physical Education classes enhance the core academic subjects.