Title 1
Mrs. Bosley, Title 1 Director
What is Title 1?
Houghton Elementary receives federal funding for our Title 1 Program. Title 1 provides students with additional help in reading and math. Classroom teachers choose Title 1 students based on grades, test scores and teacher observations. Title 1 paraprofessionals also provide ESL (English as a Second Language) to students referred by their classroom teachers.
During the colder months (typically the middle of October until the beginning of May), students in 1st-5th grades may choose to attend the Early Bird Program. Early Bird is offered Monday-Thursday from 7:40 a.m. until the bell rings. At Early Bird, students may use the computers and iPads to strengthen reading and math skills or play educational board games.
The Title 1 program has offered summer two-three week programs in reading and math when funding was available.
Parent Involvement
We encourage parent involvement with planning and implementing the Title 1 Program. An Annual Title 1 meeting is held each fall to provide more specific program information to parents. Title 1 teachers also meet with parents at Parent Teacher conferences. In recent years, Title 1 has sponsored special meetings such as Pancakes for Parents and Family Math Night.
Parent Forms:
Kriss Bosley, HES Title 1
extension 3420
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